
  1. Icon

    * [String] name - Icon name: Options: close, search * [Array] modifiers - Adds a BEM modifier class. Options (px): 24, 32 * [Array] classes - Adds a class for each item * [Array] attributes - Adds attribute for each item * [Array] href - Adds href for each item
  2. Colors

    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
  3. Button

    Unstyled buttons


    Button alpha


    Button beta


    Button gamma


    Button lg


    Button xl


    Button block

  4. Button link

  5. Link more

  6. Link underline

  7. Typography

    Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque purus felis, hendrerit id velit non, pretium tristique mi. Donec tempus lorem ante, eu tempor libero semper at. In lacinia cursus sapien, ut laoreet tortor consequat.Donec tempus lorem ante, eu tempor libero semper at. In lacinia cursus sapien, ut laoreet tortor consequat a.

    • Item 1
    • Item 2
    • Item 3
    1. Item 1
    2. Item 2
    3. Item 3

    “Nearly 20 years ago I became a distributor for Merritt Aluminum Products Company. I’ve learned to completely trust their processes. Merritt’s reputation in the industry is a company that will always do what is fair and that is the type of customer service I receive. The premium, high quality products Merritt manufactures keeps customers coming in my door.”

    John W., Elite Truck Accessories
  8. Alerts

    Used to return feedback to user actions with a color that conveys the state of the feedback.

    Add .alert--info class for warning alert.

    Add .alert--error class for error alert.

    Add .alert--success class for info alert.

  9. Badges


    1 2 3 99 999 123456
  10. Forms

  11. Tables

    # Name Rank Handle
    1 Ahab Captain @ahab
    2 Ishmael Crewman @ishmael
    3 Starbuck Chief Mate @starbuck
    4 Moby Dick The Whale @mobyDick
  12. Collapse

    Build with Bootstrap 4.6 collapse. Check the docs for instructions on how to use.

    Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sed, porro? Atque ut nam maiores at mollitia hic ipsa! Neque aliquam quos fugit, vero consectetur quod voluptas dignissimos doloribus natus voluptates.

  13. Select2

    Build with Select2 library. Check the docs for details.

    Our Select2 doesn't have CSS style some of the features that Select2 normally has:

    If you need some of these options you need to add that CSS in order to style them.

    Check the example below on the HTML required to init the library on your select elements.


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